Friday, September 17, 2010

My light day


Today was my light day in my program. I usually do it on Saturday but I don't think I will have the time tomorrow so I did it today.

I did 5 singles with the 32kg of C & P and I did a few snatches with the 24kg as well. I did 5 x 5/5 of snatches. Nothing crazy, but effective.

Yesterday was my variety day and I played around with the good ole' Turkish Get-UP (TGU). I did one TGU to the top ---->Overhead (OH) walk 10 yards---->performed the decent---->switched arms and repeated for a total of 4per arm with the 24kg. After that I did one set of 3/3 with the 24kg and I finished it off with 2 sets of 1/1 with the 32kg.

Wednesday's session was my Heavy day and I did one ladder of 3 (1,2,3 per arm)and I finished off my ladders with doubles (1,2/1,2/1,2/1,2 per arm)instead. I was supposed to do 4 ladders of 3 but something didn't feel right so I listened to my body and didn't push it.

Have fun, train smart, get strong,


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