Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

Enjoy the time off today with friends and family but make sure you stay safe.  I know many people will be eating outside of their normal routine, and that's okay.  Just make sure you get focused and back on track tomorrow so you don't lose any steam. 

Days like today can keep you from going crazy and can feel like a breath full of fresh air for some people.  For others, it may seem more of a nuisance than anything. 

However you feel, make sure you stay focused on your goal and keep it simple.  If you have been eating according to your goals and haven't been missing any of your training sessions, take today to unwind.  If you haven't been so diligent with your exercise and/or nutrition, just make wiser choices and make sure you don't continue down the same path.

Either way...have a safe holiday and enjoy the day!

Have fun, train smart, get strong,


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